January 9, 2017 - Michael Salinger
Poetry, pupils, pedagogy and perspective.

Libbie’s classroom soon to be full of poets
Today Sara and I continued on our writing with cops and kids program. We met with Libbie Royko’s 7th graders and we completed the fist have of a guided writing clinic on conflict. We wrote an example piece together comparing a staged almost fight with a thunderstorm and then we brainstormed details for a personal conflict that we will write about next time we meet.
We will be doing the same exercise with police officers the next time we meet (tomorrow) and these pieces will eventually form the backbone of the collaboration between the officers and the students.
We think by using similar structure it’ll make it easier to combine the works. As the works are combined we hope a bit of mind melding takes place.
So far so good – we’ll keep you updated.