November 20, 2016 - Michael Salinger
NCTE 2016 Atlanta
The National Council of Teachers of English is probably my favorite conference that Sara and I attend. Not only do we get to attend a myriad of sessions, collecting ideas and learning about research we can bring back to the schools we visit – we have a lot of fun!

Scott, Kelly, Nancy, me and Sara
We presented on writing across the curriculum with our friend teacher extraordinaire Libbie Royko. We were buoyed by the enthusiasm shown by our participants as our spirits were fed by the sessions we attended. We celebrated the life and work of Don Graves, went to panels hosted by Kylene Beers – heard Penny Kittle, Kelly Gallagher, Harvey Daniels, Ta-Nehisi Coates and a host of others speak. Hung out with Stephanie Harvey, Nancy Johnson, Scott Riley, Janet Wong, Sylvia Vardell – saw teacher and librarian friends from all over the globe – Beth, Jessica, Lee Ann, Lee, Paul, and made new friends to boot!

Fuzzy pic of a dinner with the usual supects
We get to spend almost exactly 24 hours at home then we are off to Indonesia and Singapore.

Sara signing advance copies of her new novel!
So, bye-bye NCTE Atlanta – See you next year in St. Louis.

Anne Goudvis – comprehension warrior!