November 13, 2016 - Michael Salinger
Escola Americana de Campinas
So this was the first time I met a monkey who I didn’t not like.
One of the best perks to my and Sara’s job is the great folks from all over the world who we get to be friends with. This is the case with Heather and Tom who have just recently arrived at the American School in Campinas, Brazil – Tom has taken over the duties as the headmaster and heather is teaching art. We met the couple in Zambia last year and since we were going to be in the neighborhood (working at the American School in Sao Paulo – an hour and a half or so south) we squeezed in a couple days at their new school.

8th graders geting down to writing
Heather worked like mad to make sure our three days were productive. Sara and I visited elementary, middle and high school classes as well as a couple assemblies and some PD. We got a lot accomplished in a little time – including celebrating Halloween.

Happy Halloween
It was a perfect introduction to a new continent for us.
Staff and students were game for what we were offering and we were more than game to be there.

cheeky little monkey
Speaking of game – there were some little monkeys on campus – unfortunately they were mostly hidden while we were there – probably due tot the rain that was scattered throughout our visit. Heather and Tom rectified our monkey less visit though, by taking us to a lovely restaurant just outside of town that was well stocked with tiny old man looking simians.

Heather and Tom
So – fab school – Halloween – sweet monkeys – I file this one under success.